Peace Line monthly – On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the “Human Rights Activists in Iran, (HRAI)”, Peace Line Monthly has asked Hadi Ghaemi the director of “International Campaign for Human Right in Iran, (ICHRI)”, about the performance and permanence of HRAI. MR. Ghaemi: “In my opinion the greatest feature of HRAI that has led to the continuation of its activism is being informed and reporting from inside of Iranian prisons. In addition, HRAI has been able to follow-up, attend and report on all kinds of human rights violations in Iran and it has been able to follow-up and report on the demands of religious minorities, ethnic minorities and various stratum of society.” Continue reading “Hadi Ghaemi: HRAI Seeks the Demands of Various Stratums of the Society”
Archives: Interviews
Abdol-Karim Lahiji: HRAI Has Not Held Human Rights Hostage to Political Battles
Peace Line Monthly – Dr. Abdol-Karim Lahiji has been devoted to Human Rights Activism for more than 5 decades. Two years before the Iranian revolution of 1979, in order to promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Mr. LAhiji funded the “Iranian Law Association” and “Iranian Association for Freedom and Human Rights”. After the 1979 revolution, he was one of the first to condemn the executions and other forms of human rights violations done by the new regime.
In the 58th issue of the Peace Line Monthly, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Human Right Activists in Iran (HRAI), we have asked Dr. Lahiji, the current president of International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), for his opinion in regards to the performance of HRAI and the reason for the permanence and continued activism of this human rights organization. Continue reading “Abdol-Karim Lahiji: HRAI Has Not Held Human Rights Hostage to Political Battles”
Journalists’ and Media Activists’ Opinion about HRANA
Peace Line Monthly – “Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA)” which serves as the first professional human rights news agency in Iran, has announced its purpose: informing and educating the public in a way that benefits the victims of human rights violations. How has this news agency which is a compilation of journalism principles with a taste of Human Rights, performed? As journalist, what do you believe is the greatest strength of HRANA or its positive difference over the past years of its activities?
This topic has been discussed with the journalists and those in the media. The following is a summery on the views and comments made by Kambiz Ghafouri, Jamshid Barzegar, Morteza Kazemian, Siamak Ghaderi, Reza Haghighat-Nejad, Reza Haji-Hosseini and Kaveh Ghoreishi, in regards to the news agency of the Human Rights Activists in Iran, HRANA, on its 10th anniversary. It is noteworthy that HRANA news Agency, started its work in March 2009, 3 years after “Human Right Activists in Iran (HRAI)” had been established. Continue reading “Journalists’ and Media Activists’ Opinion about HRANA”
Mehrangiz Kar: HRAI Is an Established Name
Peace Line Monthly – Mehrangiz Kar is a lawyer, a writer and a journalist focused on human rights and the spread of democracy. Ms. Kar has won at least eight internationally recognized human rights awards, and currently is working at “Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women” at Brown University.
On the tenth anniversary of “Human Right Activists in Iran, (HRAI)”, Peace Line Monthly has asked Ms. Kar’s opinion on HRAI’s performance and effectiveness on the growth of the civil society of Iran. Continue reading “Mehrangiz Kar: HRAI Is an Established Name”
Mahmood Amiry-Moghadam: HRAI Does Not Represent a Specific Ideology and Political Wing
Peace Line Monthly – Mahmood Amiry-Moghadam is the co-founders of “Iran Human Rights (IHR)”, a non-profit organization mostly focused on death penalty in Iran.
On the tenth anniversary of “Human rights Activists in Iran, (HRAI)”, while emphasizing on “discrimination exists in every social strata in a country like Iran”, Mr. Amiry-Moghadam told Peace Line Monthly: “without any discrimination HRAI reports on all violations of human rights despite who the victims are, and which political party, faith, believe and gender they belong to; in fact any given group from Iranian society would be able to find reports regarding themselves on HRANA”. Continue reading “Mahmood Amiry-Moghadam: HRAI Does Not Represent a Specific Ideology and Political Wing”
An External Look at the “Human Rights Activists in Iran”; Interview with Roya Boroumand
Peace Line Monthly – Ladan and Roya Boroumand established the “Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation (ABF)” in 2001, 10 years after assassination of their father which is allegedly one of the first attempts of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) to eliminate the oppositions abroad. The Broumand sisters who have both completed their studies in France and received their PHD in history, established this foundation in the memory of their father and to continue his path. ABF is trying to help to ensure justice, establish and stable democracy in Iran through education, the empowerment of democratic culture and promotion of human Rights awareness.
Peace Line Monthly asked Dr. Roya Boroumand one of the founders of ABF, which is one of the oldest Iranian human rights defending organizations, in regards to her observation of this historic path to the existence of human rights organizations and civil society in Iran during recent years. Continue reading “An External Look at the “Human Rights Activists in Iran”; Interview with Roya Boroumand”
HRAI and Religious Minorities; an Interview with Two Representatives of Bahai Community
Peace Line Monthly – It is no secret that after the Revolution the civil rights of the Baha’is in Iran has been constantly violated. Today, these violations of rights have clearly attracted the attention of the international community and the civil society of Iran; such that a great portion of the reports on the violation of human rights in Iran includes the violation of Baha’is’ rights. However, this focus and attention has not always been the same and has increased during various decades after the Revolution. The highlight of the violation of Baha’is’ Rights in Iran as seen today, is certainly the result of many factors. In this regard Peace Line Monthly has interviewed Simin Fahandej and Dian Alai, the representatives of the Baha’i International Community in Geneva. Ms. Fahandej is currently the spokesperson of this international community. In this interview, the role of “Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI)” during its 10 years of activism in regards to the assertion of the Baha’is’ rights, has been discussed. Continue reading “HRAI and Religious Minorities; an Interview with Two Representatives of Bahai Community”
Shadi Sadr: HRAI is Motivated and Committed
Peace Line Monthly – Shadi Sadr, lawyer, is the Founder and an Executive Director of Justice for Iran (JFI). Ms. Sadr who serves as legal attorney and is a member of Volunteer Lawyers Network, has won at least 6 prestigious awards for her Human Rights activism.
On the 10th anniversary of the Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI), we have asked Ms. Sadr about the structural differences that leads to a perpetual existence of human rights organization and its continuous activism. Ms. Sadr by noting that the 10-years survival in the scope of Human Rights regardless of all its ups and downs, is the most important achievement of HRAI, she tells Peace Line Monthly: “The organizations and groups which could possibly survive in this field are the ones that the field is not only their job but it’s a part of their lives.” Continue reading “Shadi Sadr: HRAI is Motivated and Committed”
Elahe Sharifpour – Hicks: Working for HRAI is a Unique Around a Clock Work
Peace Line monthly – Elahe Sharifpour-Hicks has been defending human rights for more than two decades. She was the Iran researcher for the Human Rights Watch from 1994 to 2001, and is currently the manager of Human Rights and Planning at New York.
On the tenth anniversary of the Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI), Ms. Sharifpour-Hicks tells Peace Line monthly: “The most positive feature of HRAI is distancing itself from politics.” And in regards to the permanence of HRAI she adds: “The only thing that makes such an activism possible and permanent, is to show devotion, and that is exactly what the members of HRAI have shown.” Continue reading “Elahe Sharifpour – Hicks: Working for HRAI is a Unique Around a Clock Work”
Interview with Saeid Zeinali’s Mother
HRANA News Agency – Saeid Zeinali’s mother has announced that she is going to start a sit-in in front of Supreme Leader’s domicile or the Assembly of Experts, insisting to pursue the complaint against the leadership until the final result.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), family of Saeid Zeinali, Iranian citizen who was arrested and disappeared a few days after the attack on the University campus in 1999, has recently made a complaint against the leadership to the Assembly of Experts. Continue reading “Interview with Saeid Zeinali’s Mother”