Forty prisoners object to Namegh Mahmoudi’s beating

HRANA News Agency – After Namegh Mahmoudi was beaten and denied proper medical care in Rajaie Shahr Prison, forty political prisoners  wrote a letter to the warden to voice their objection.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on May 26, 2013, Mahmoudi was beaten en route to hospital where he was to receive tests before his surgery.
Mahmoudi has filed a formal complaint, but the authorities have yet to look into the incident.  “On Sunday, June 2, he is planning a sit-in at the main office in prison,” one of the prisoners said.  “He will continue his sit-in until the guard who beat him is reprimanded.”
“All of his cellmates have written a letter to the warden to condemn the beating and have asked prison officials to take the necessary legal actions to deal with the guard who is responsible for the beating,” another prisoner explained.

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