The Protests in Ahvaz Go On + Video

HRANA News Agency – The Ahvaz inhabitants carried out another rally against the level of air pollution in city, on Thursday.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), some Ahvaz inhabitants protested against the level of air pollution on Salehi Boulevard. Continue reading “The Protests in Ahvaz Go On + Video”

Photo Report of Gathering of Protestors in Ahwaz

HRANA News Agency – A number of people of Ahvaz gathered in front of the Khuzestan Governor office to protest against the method of dealing with the dust wave in Khuzestan Province.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), the protesters were carrying some written slogans in their hands, such as “Clean air is our inalienable right” and “Khuzestan is buried in the dust by Neglect”. Continue reading “Photo Report of Gathering of Protestors in Ahwaz”

A Video Clip of Air Pollution in Khuzestan Province

HRANA News Agency – Residents of Khuzestan Province are experiencing difficult days following the unprecedented increase in air pollution, which has put life of thousands people in danger and has hampered peoples normal lives.

The following video report is a shocking video of the dust waves which goes through to this province:


Ahwaz Residents Protested against the Air Pollution

HRANA News Agency – On Friday, a group of Ahwaz citizens participated in a spontaneous protest against the pollution in this city and demanded the city’s leaders to deal with air pollution and dusts. The rally was held while Ahwaz schools had been closed due to bad weather conditions.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), when it was announced that the pollution level in Ahwaz city is 66 times more than standard level, a group of citizens participated in a spontaneous rally in the coastal road and stated their protest against the authorities’ indifference and urged the government to deal with the phenomenon and the main cause of the contamination and fix it to maintain the health of the Ahwaz citizens. Continue reading “Ahwaz Residents Protested against the Air Pollution”

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Air pollution costs 8 billion Dollars for Iran annually

HRANA News Agency – The administrator of the company of controlling Tehran’s air quality, air pollution costs Iran 8 billion Dollars each year.

Yusef Rashid said: “We have a lot of rules which are not held in this case. The air pollution costs Iran 8 billion Dollars annually and kills 4 to 5 thousand people.” Continue reading “Air pollution costs 8 billion Dollars for Iran annually”