Inmates in Women’s Ward of Qarchak Prison Held in Inhumane Conditions

Women imprisoned in Qarchak Prison in Varamin are being held in poor and inhumane conditions, deprived of a ventilation system and healthy drinking water, which results in skin diseases and other health issues.

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, inmates of women’s wards in Qarchak Prison are deprived of basic human needs.

In recent days, the quality of tap water has intolerably worsened. According to an informed source, low-quality water has caused many diseases. Many women inmates cannot afford to buy water bottles from the food store in prison.

These harsh conditions have also increased tensions and quarrels among inmates.

The conditions in the women’s ward have caused criticism of the authorities, including  Heshmatollah Hayat, the head of the Tehran Prisons Organization.