Mehdi Kokhian Restarted His Hunger Strike by Sewing His Lips

HRANA News Agency – Mehdi Kokhian activist from Malakan, has gone on hunger strike by sewing his lips again in Maragheh prison, to protest against breach in promises made by the authorities. This political prisoner has symbolically sewed his ears as well to “avoid hearing the officials’ insults”.
A close source to Mr. Kokhian told HRANA’s reporter: “Mehdi again has gone on hunger strike and has sewed his mouth and ears on January 31, and he has said that he sewed his ears to avoid hearing their insults”. Continue reading “Mehdi Kokhian Restarted His Hunger Strike by Sewing His Lips”

Release of Karim Chaichian; Continued detention and hunger strike of Mehdi Kokhian

HRANA News Agency – Karim Chaichian was released from Maragheh prison. Mehdi Kokhian, other detainee of this case, is still held in this prison. These two prisoners had gone on hunger strike by sewing their lips, after being transferred to the prison. Mehdi Kokhian is still on hunger strike.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Karim Chaichian, one of the detainees of “News of Malekan” Telgeram channel case, was released from Maragheh prison, on Sunday December 25. Continue reading “Release of Karim Chaichian; Continued detention and hunger strike of Mehdi Kokhian”

Karim Chaichian and Mehdi Kukhian Held in Incommunicado

HRANA News Agency – Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian, two social activists, who had been transferred to an unknown location by prosecutor of Malekan’s order, are in prison since December 21, 2016. Paiman Mohammadpoor, prosecutor of Malekan (town), not only has deprived them from accessing their lawyer, but also has ordered for holding these citizens in incommunicado.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Karim Chaichian and Mehdi Kukhian have started hunger strike by sewing their lips, in protest to being beaten by judiciary forces, not having court hearing, being deprived from having phone calls with their families and also being deprived of having food for first 48 hours after being arrested. Continue reading “Karim Chaichian and Mehdi Kukhian Held in Incommunicado”

Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian on Hunger Strike in Maraghe Prison

HRANA News Agency – Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian have gone on hunger strike by sewing their lips since their transfer from Malekan Police to Maragheh Prison, on December 21, 2016.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian were arrested at their houses by security forces on December 19, 2016. The officers searched their houses and attempted to seize these two civilians’ personal electronics and communication belongings. Continue reading “Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian on Hunger Strike in Maraghe Prison”

Two Activists Arrested in Malakan

HRANA News Agency – On December 19, 2016, Mehdi Kukhian and Karim Chaichian, two civilians from Malakan were arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location. The officers searched their house and also seized their personal electronics and communication belongings.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on December 19, 2016, two Turkish (Azeri) activists, Mehdi Kokhian and Karim Chaichian were arrested at their houses by security forces and taken to an unknown location. The officers searched their houses and also seized their laptops, cell phones and computers. Continue reading “Two Activists Arrested in Malakan”

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