In recent days, related to nationwide protests, security forces arrested six people in Mariwan, Sanandaj and Mamasani.
According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, on November 6, 2022, Masha’al Alamdari, a resident of Mamasani, was arrested by security forces.
An informed source told HRANA that, in recent weeks, Alamdari was walking in streets without a headscarf. After a few days, she was arrested and charged with writing protest slogans on city walls and protest activities. They transferred her to a detention facility in Shiraz, but we are unaware of her exact whereabouts.
Moreover, Kurdpa reported the arrest of five protestors in Sanandaj and Marivan. These individuals have been identified as Rahmat (last name unknown), Esmail (Last name unknown), Jamal Karami and Shahoo Karami in Sanandaj, and Shakhawan Khavari in Mariwan.