In a devastating turn of events, 46-year-old political prisoner Shahin Galehdari has reportedly taken his own life in Urmia Prison.
A reliable source close to Galehdari confirmed this tragic news to HRANA, stating that he had been incarcerated since February-March 2023, serving a two-year sentence. Prison officials conveyed the distressing information of his suicide to his family yesterday.
According to the latest updates received by HRANA, Galehdari’s body has been transferred to forensic medicine. His family has been directed to claim his body.
Shahin Galehdari’s initial arrest occurred nine years ago at the hands of security forces. Following a period of detention, he was released on bail until the end of legal proceedings. In 2020-2021, the Revolutionary Court at Urmia sentenced him to two years for charges related to “acting against national security.” Subsequently, in February-March 2023, he began serving his sentence in Urmia Prison.
In 2023, the Department of Statistics of Human Rights Activists in Iran recorded seven deaths resulting from illness, twelve suicides, one case of self-immolation, and four instances of prisoners being murdered within prisons nationwide.