A Kurdish prisoner in danger of immanent execution

HRANA News Agency – During the last couple of days a number of security forces in the meeting with the family of Mr Abdollahi and some of his relatives  mentioned that the do not know Mr Abdollahi as a political prisoner and if his family claim something other than this, after his execution, they will be dealt with.
These behaviours by the security forces have increased Human Rights activists’ concern about Mr Abdollahi’s execution.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), during the last few weeks, security forces of Mahabad city in different occasions have had several visits with the family of Mr Abdollahi, political prisoner convicted to execution, in their home and some of his relatives at their workplaces and during their conversations the security forces mentioned that Mr Abdollahi is not a political prisoner and he is just an offender.
His family and relatives were told by security forces that they are not allowed to call him a political activist or hold a ceremony for him after his execution. This matter as a preparation by the security forces has increased Human rights activists’ concerns regarding the possibility of Mohammad Abdollahi’s imminent death penalty.
Despite the claims of security forces, Mohammad Abdollahi, 33, married and citizen of Bokan, has been tried by Revolutionary court branch one in Mahabad and has been charged with combat through membership in a Kurdish political party and he was notified officially of his sentence, after it was confirmed by Supreme Court of country in March this year.

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