HRANA News Agency – Following the recent arrests, Mohammad Ghasem Khani and Bahram Saidi, the two labor rights activists have been arrested on 5th May after a gathering in front of the parliament.
According to a report by the Human right reporters committee, Mohammad Ghasem Khani, the labor rights activist and worker of Iran Khodro, has been arrested on Thursday entering his work place by the intelligence forces and was forced to the intelligence office in the factory and then to the car while he was resisting.
Bahram Saidi, the other labor rights activist of this factory who had taken part in the gathering of 1st May in front of the parliament, was called to the office of the factory when he was entering his work place and was then arrested.
The intelligence agents have searched their houses, too.
There is no news about the place there are kept and their condition yet.
There have been 4 other labor rights activists, Aram Zandi, Fardin Ghaderi, Shahpour Hosseini and Jalil Mohammadi, arrested in Sanandaj in recent days.