3 political prisoners are released in Tehran

HRANA News Agency – Dina Karimi and her son Hanif Attarzade and also Asef Rezaiyan have been released temporary from the prison. There is also a 100 million Thomans bail determined for Akam Alsadat Sanjari and Milad Yazdan Nejad.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Dina Karimi, Hanif Attar Zade and Asef Rezaiyan were arrested on 18th February by the intelligence agents in Tehran.
Hanif Attar Zade and Asef Rezaiyan were released on a guaranty and Dina Karimi was released on the bail of 100 million Thomans.
A bail of 100 million Thomans and a guaranty have been determined for Akram Alsadat Sanjari and her son Milad Yazdan Nejad.
Akram Alsadat Sanjari is the mother of Misagh Yazdan Nejad who has been sentenced to 14 years of prison charged with enmity against the God.
Dina Karimi Rehjerdi had been arrested once before on November 19, 2012 and was released afterwards on the bail. She was one of the political prisoners of the 1980th and 3 of her brothers have been executed in 1988.

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