5 cultural activists summoned to Evin prison

HRANA News Agency – 5 cultural activists have been summoned to Evin prison to serve the imprisonment sentences.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Parvin Zandi, Arash Kamanche, Babak Asiai, Behzad Asiai and Kaveh Rahimi had been arrested in 2013. The branch 54 of the appeal court has confirmed the imprisonment sentences and they have been summoned to Evin prison.

Parvin Zandi, Arash Kamanche, Behzad Asiai and Kaveh Rahimi are sentenced to 1 year in prison and Babak Asiai is sentenced to 4 years in prison on charge of spreading propaganda against the regime and insulting the supreme leader.

Parvin Zandi, the professor of Varamin University and her husband, Arash Kamanche had been arrested in January 2013.

Kaveh Rahimi, Babak Asiai and Behzad Asiai were also arrested at that time in Karaj.

The 5 cultural activists were released on the bail of 100 million Thomans in January 2014.

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