Ali Zahedi’s Case Awaiting the Judiciary’s Decision Since 1 Year

HRANA News Agency – Ali Zahedi, political prisoner in ward 350 of Evin prison is waiting for the set of equivalent branch since more than a year ago while his furlough has been refused.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Ali Zahedi’s verdict was rejected in the Supreme Court by Judge Razaini about a year ago but he is in Evin prison and waiting for the set of equivalent branch.
A close source to Mr. Zahedi announced the news and told HRANA’s reporter: “He is in uncertainty while his furlough has been refused.”
The retrial of Ali Zahedi, was adopted in 2015.
Ali Zahed, 48, married and father of one child was arrested by the intelligence service forces, in 2008, and transferred to the Shiraz intelligence office. The primary reason of his arrest was friendship with Mohsen Eslamian, who was executed in 2009 on charge of cooperation with kingdom assembly and involvement in bombing attack on Shiraz Hossainieh.
Mohsen Eslamian was born in 1987 and was a student, single and a native of Shiraz.
Mr. Zahedi was sentenced to death at first and then by a degree of discount was sentenced to life imprisonment. This political prisoner was sent to a 5-day furlough for the first time after seven years in prison.

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