Dorsa Dehghani Released on Bail; Sina Kamali Sarvestani Still in Detention

Baha’i citizen Dorsa Dehghani was released on bail on Thursday, July 1st, while  Sina Kamali Sarvestani, another Baha’i resident of Shiraz, is still being held in an undisclosed location after 17 days of detention.

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, these citizens were arrested separately on June 14 by IRGC intelligence agents.

According to unofficial sources, more than 300,000 Baha’is live in Iran, but the Iranian constitution recognizes only Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.

Because their faith is not considered legitimate by authorities, the rights of Baha’is in Iran have been systematically violated for years.

This deprivation of the freedom to practice their religion is a violation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The United Nations covenant holds that every person has the right to freedom of religion, freedom of converting religion, as well as freedom of expression, individually or collectively; openly or secretly.

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