Execution of Two Afghan Nationals for Drug Offenses in Shiraz

Execution of Two Afghan Nationals for Drug Offenses in Shiraz

On Sunday, June 30, two Afghan nationals who had previously been sentenced to death for drug-related offenses were executed in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz, as reported by Iran Human Rights Organization.

Their identities have been reported as “Ali-Allah Bakhsh and Afzal-Allah Bakhsh, both Afghan nationals.”

The report states that Ali and Afzal were related. They were arrested in Shiraz three years ago on charges related to drug offenses and subsequently sentenced to death by the judiciary.

No official sources or domestic media outlets within the country have provided coverage of these executions at the time of writing. In 2023, 66% of HRANA’s reports on executions lacked official announcements by judicial authorities and went unreported by media inside Iran, highlighting a troubling lack of transparency in due process.

According to data compiled by HRANA, in 2023, Adelabad Prison carried out 49 executions, ranking five among prisons across Iran. For a comprehensive examination of the details and statistics surrounding the executions in Iran, refer to HRANA’s report.

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