The Sanandaj Revolutionary Court sentenced four teacher union activists of Divandarreh, Omid Shah-Mohammadi, Parviz Ahsani, Kaveh Mohammadzadeh and Hiva Ghoreishi to imprisonment.
According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, quoting the Coordination Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations, the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court sentenced Omid Shah-Mohammadi to five years in prison on the charge of “acting against national security.” Parviz Ahsani, Kaveh Mohammadzadeh and Hiva Ghoreishi were also given five-year suspended sentences for the same charge.
On August 28, 2022, these teachers were released on a 1.5 billion tomans bail until the end of legal proceedings.
Their pre-trial detentions were extended three times.
Omid Shah-Mohammadi faced other arrests and convictions on a prior occasion for his civil activities.