HRANA News Agency – A number of political activists and families of political prisoners of ward 350 have demonstrated in front of the presidential office on April 22nd.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), almost 100 people gathered in front of the presidential office on April 21st.
This gathering was in protest at the raiding of the prison guards in ward 350 and the demonstrators were telling slogans like “The political prisoners must be released,” “Evin has become Palestine, why are you still silent?” and “The minister of justice must resign.”
The families signed a petition of complaint addressing the president and the head of judiciary and gave them to the authorities. The demonstrators were there from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The security forces prevented the demonstrators from taking any picture of film of the demonstration and arrested 3 of them, however they were filming the whole demonstration themselves.
Prisoners’ families’ demonstration in front of presidential office