Saied Abedini, the christian citizen will be trialed by judge Pir’abbas

HRANA News Agency – Saied Abedini, a 32 years old converted christian who has double nationality of Iran-USA is in detention of Etela’at of Islamic revolutionary guards since 3 months ago and will be trialed in branch 26 of revolutionary court on
January 20th.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), this christian prisoner on September 26th, while he was waiting for his summon to court, has been arrested at his home by 5 security agents.

His wife told to the HRANA reporter that her husband will be trialed on January 20th in the branch 26 of revolutionary court of Tehran by judge Pir’abbasi.

Saied Abedini informed his family that he is in detention in accusation of acting against national security, but his wife is saying that was been trialed on 2006 in accusation of formation of church at home and after his returning to Iran on 2009 he has informed that he can not establish church at home, Also his case was opened that recently enforced again by the Etela’at of Islamic revolutionary guards  investigators.

Also the judicial department asked bail for his temporal release and Saied’s family provided the bail after a lot of efforts but the investigators refused the bail and renewed his detention.

Translated by: Ramyar Hassani

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