Second Retribution Verdict to Blind Majid Movahedi

HRANA News Agency – The second retribution verdict against Majid Movahedi has been issued, and all parties involved have been notified.Previously, Majid Movahedi was convicted of throwing acid in Ameneh Bahrami’s face and sentenced to be blinded by acid in both eyes in retribution for this act.

Last week, Iran’s Supreme Court reviewed the case and announced its decision.The judges have stated in their opinion that since it isn’t possible to blind someone with acid in retribution for a crime, and it is likely that he suffers other serious injuries exceeding the punishment, the sentence must be adjusted accordingly.Therefore, the judges have approved blinding Majid Movahedi in one eye using another method other than placing drops of acid in his eye.

In reply to the question whether there remains any other legal option for the defense, an Iranian judicial official said, “When the Supreme Court approves a verdict, no legal options will be left unless the Head of Judiciary Branch for some reason prevents the punishment from happening.In relation to this case, it is still not clear how and with what means the punishment will be carried out.Of course, we hope to obtain the plaintiff’s consent before we have to move forward with the sentence.”


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