HRANA News Agency – Fifth Term Civil Engineering student from Shahid Beheshti University, Baha’i Afrooz Zabihi, was banned from continuing her education after completing 90 credit hours, because of her religious faith. Miss Zabihi has several achievements in the Shining Genius Test in her name.
According to HRANA, a close source to Miss Zabihi said “on Dec. 19, 2016, at the same time as the publication of the President’s Bill of Rights and the beginning of final exams, she was contacted on behalf of the Education Officer of the college. Moreover, she was verbally notified that her general educational qualifications had not been confirmed, and therefore she would be prevented from continuing her education. She was expelled on the same day, and all her courses in the current term were eliminated. Also, on the registration page of the College’s website, it was indicated that she was not allowed to register.” Continue reading “Deprivation of Education for Afrooz Zabihi, a Baha’i Student in Her Fifth Semester”