High bail set for three Bahais in Tehran; four remain in prison

HRANA News Agency – On September 3, Branch 4 of the court at Evin Prison set bail for three Bahais arrested in Tehran: Babak Mobasher, Nasr `Arshi Moqaddam, and `Ata’ollah Ashrafi.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the family of the three detainees were informed by telephone from Evin prison that bail for Babak Mobasher and Naser Arshi Moqaddam was set at 25 billion Rials (700,000 euros or 938,000 US dollars), while 20 billion Rials (560,000 euros or 750,000 US dollars) was demanded for `Ata’ollah Ashrafi’s temporary release. Continue reading “High bail set for three Bahais in Tehran; four remain in prison”