3 labor activists have been sentenced to 1 year of prison

HRANA News Agency – Three labors’ rights activists in Kordestan province and the members of the committee to help form the workers’ organizations have been sentenced to 1 year of prison on charge of propaganda against the regime.


According to the statements of this committee, Vafa Ghaderi, Behzad Farajollahi and Khaled Hosseini have been tried by the branch 1 of the revolutionary court of Sanandaj on 2nd, 3rd and 6th of July. Continue reading “3 labor activists have been sentenced to 1 year of prison”

Ghaleb Hosseini, the labor rights activist is released

HRANA News Agency – Ghabel Hosseini, the labor rights activist has been released on the bail.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ghaleb Hosseini has been released on the bail of 150 million Thomans after a 2 months detention in the intelligence of Sanandaj.

He was arrested on March 19th in his work place.

A labor rights activist has been temporary released

HRANA News Agency – Ali Azad, the labor rights activist who was under arrest since last March has been released on the bail.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ali Azad, the labor rights activist and a member of the Coordinating Committee to help Forming Workers’ Organizations who had been arrested on March 7, 2013 is released on the bail.

Ghaleb Hosseini the other member of the Coordinating Committee to help Forming Workers’ Organizations who has been arrested at the same time is still under arrest in the intelligence of Sanandaj.

Hamed Mahmoudi Nejad is arrested

HRANA News Agency – After following his condition, Hamed Mahmoudi Nejad’s family has found out that he is in the intelligence of Sanadaj on May 5th.


According to report by the Coordinating Committee to help Forming Workers’ Organizations, Hamed Mahmoudi Nejad and Jalil Mohammadi have been arrested on Thursday May 2nd by the intelligence agents.

Also Ghaleb Hosseini and Ali Azadi other two members of the Coordinating Committee to help Forming Workers’ Organizations are under arrest since March 5th.

The last news about Ghaleb Hosseini and Ali Azadi

HRANA News Agency – Ghaleb Hosseini and Ali Azadi, the two arrested labors’ rights activist are in an undecided situation.

According to a report by the committee of coordination to help founding workers’ associations, the on-going arrest of these two members of this committee and the lack of clear answer from the authorities have caused serious worries in the families and friends of these labors’ rights activist about their health condition. Continue reading “The last news about Ghaleb Hosseini and Ali Azadi”

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