On the morning of May 19, a prisoner who was previously sentenced to death on a charge of rape was executed in Mashhad Prison.
According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, quoting the Khorasan newspaper, the 9-year-old child of a foreign national was kidnapped by a young motorcyclist in the outskirts of Mashad in February of last year. The kidnapper abducted the child by threatening him with a knife in front of his mother.
The kidnaper was identified and arrested after detectives found clues that showed he had formed a six-member gang to attack children and teenagers, especially working children.
A special team of detectives with members across operational and intelligence branches managed to arrest all members of the gang. After publishing an unveiled picture of the gang leader in the Khorasan newspaper, several Khorasan residents approached the Iranian Police Criminal Investigation Department, from whom 13 were able to identify the kidnapper and file a lawsuit against him.
Given the importance of the case, Judge Gholam-Ali Sadeghi, Chief Justice of Khorasan Razavi, issued special orders to expedite the investigation. The case was sent to Branch 6 of Criminal Court One to be processed, and the court sentenced the kidnapper to death. The sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court accordingly.
Ghasem. B. was hanged in Mashhad Central Prison on the morning of May 19.