A group of Arab activists were arrested in Ahvaz

HRANA News Agency – The security and intelligence forces have arrested some Arab activists at Kouy-e-Alavai (Hay al Sour) and transferred them to an unknown location, on Sunday August 10, at 5 am in Ahvaz.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), following attendance in Eid-e-Fitr ceremony and congratulation to the families of Arab political prisoners, some of the Arab activists were arrested. The same as past years, Arab activists visited the families of political prisoners, with the aim of showing solidarity with political prisoners’ families, and went to dominated Arab territories like, Malasliyah, Kout Abdullah, Kouy e Alavi and other Arab territories of Ahvaz. Continue reading “A group of Arab activists were arrested in Ahvaz”