HRANA News Agency – While the horrific news of two child abuse cases in a month are still fresh in the minds of general public and not yet forgotten, a three-year old boy has become another victim of domestic problems between his parents. The eight-year old Haniyeh and the four-year old Nima were the other two victims earlier this month.
ISNA News Agency has reported that this time, another mother is howling over the burned body of her three-year old son who isn’t likely to survive according to the attending nurses because 70% of his body is burned. The child’s father has confessed to the crime, and it is believed that he set Barbad on fire to threaten and force his wife to continue living with him. However, the role and effects of narcotics such as crystal meth in this incident must not be overlooked.
After visiting Barbad in the hospital, Shirin Sadr Nori, a social activist with the Society for Protecting the Rights of the Child, talked about the incident and said, “Barbad’s father who is addicted to crystal meth has been suspicious of his wife for a while. Problems between two parents escalated to the degree that Barbad’s mother, Mina, decided to leave her husband and moved to her father’s house. According to Mina, her husband threatened to harm Barbad when he contacted her several times to ask her to return. Before the incident, Barbad’s father contacted one of his neighbors and was willing to return Barbad to his mother for $5.00. Mina made the arrangements for this exchange through the neighbor and took custody of the child.”
Referring to the father’s drug addiction and abnormal psychological condition, Shirin Sadr Nori added, “Barbad’s father went to Mina’s house while there was no one except Barbad’s grandmother home. By resorting to force and threats, the father took Barbad from the grandmother and put the child in a room. The father then set Barbad on fire by first pouring gasoline over his entire body. When Barbad’s grandmother heard the child’s cries and screams she went to the room and came face to face with her grandson’s body consumed in flames.”
Pointing out that the father is currently hospitalized in Shahid Madani Hospital because 50% of his body is also burned, Shirin Sadr Nori further explained, “According to the garandmother, the father, Mohammad, then embraced his child in an attempt to comfort Barbad when the child began to cry. For this reason, the father also caught on fire and as a result was injured.”
Shirin Sadr Nori believes that the father didn’t intent to burn himself and only was injured because he attempted to embrace Barbad. Finally, the neighbors called the police and together with the grandmother’s efforts, the child was transferred to Shahid Madani Hospital in the city of Karaj.
Referring to the father’s drug addition, Shirin Sadr Nori added, “Barbad’s aunt and mother have confirmed that the father is addicted to crystal meth. I am certain that this addiction has played a role to bring about what occurred. Barbad’s mother intends to seek legal help from the Society for Protecting the Rights of the Child and will retain an attorney through this organization.”
Shirin Sadr Nori has also reported that Barbad is in critical condition. His skin has been burned entirely such that it is not possible to attach an IV to his body. Additionally, since his lips have been burned, liquid containing nourishment and medicine is given to him through his nose cavity.
Barbad is the third victim of child abuse in the recent weeks. According to the experts, addiction to narcotics and not knowing how to deal with children are two main reasons for which parents abuse and harm their children.