One Kolbar Killed, Another Injured by Regime’s Military Forces

On Tuesday, November 30, regime military forces at the border near Baneh City shot two kolbars (cross-border carriers), killing one and injuring the other. 

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, quoting Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa), Adel Alipur, a resident of the village Sarsool in Baneh County was shot and killed. Today, December 1st, Alipur’s body was buried in his village.

Yaser Aminpur, also of Sarsool, was severely injured in the foot and has been hospitalized in Baneh City.

Many poor people living in border areas work as kolbars to make ends meet. This work is illegal and involves carrying loads on foot across national borders. Yearly, dozens of kolbars are injured and killed from accidents, dangerous conditions, and border guard shootings.

HRANA’s annual human rights report has specifically documented cases in which military forces’ use of live ammunition against citizens has led to their injury or death. According to the 2020 report, beyond material damages— such as loss of pack animals due to road accidents, frost, or avalanche— 36 kolbars have been shot dead, and 109 have been injured by military forces and border guards. In this year, five kolbars lost their lives and five were injured due to freezing cold weather or falling from high.