The number of arrested Kurdish students increased to five

HRANA News Agency – In continuation of arresting the Kurdish student activists, Khaled Mohammadi, geography postgraduate student has arrested.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), quoted from Daneshjoonews website report, Khaled Mohammadi,  geography postgraduate student has been arrested and transferred to an unknown place last week.
Formerly four Kurdish student activists have arrested in Marivan and with Khaled Mohammadi’s detention the number of the detainees increased to five people.
The names of four Kurdish student activists who have arrested by security forces before Khaled Mohammadi and transferred to unknown place, are: Saman Mohammadi the student of Oroomiyeh university, Soran Daneshvar the of housing and urban development faculty of Kurdistan university, Davoud Ghasimi the bachelor student in sociology faculty of Tehran private university and Mohammad Kohnehpoushi the student of Oroomiyeh university.
These students arrested, their homes searched and their personal belongings such as their computers are confiscated by the security forces. Also there is no news about their current whereabout and situation.
Currently about 30 Iranian students are in prison and most of them have
been sentenced to longterm imprisonment.

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