Three Prisoners Transferred to Solitary Cells for Imminent Execution in Ghezel Hesar Prison

Three Prisoners Transferred to Solitary Cells for Imminent Execution in Ghezel Hesar Prison

Yesterday, November 4, three prisoners in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, previously sentenced to death for drug-related charges, were moved to solitary confinement in preparation for their execution.

The transfer of these prisoners, sentenced earlier for drug-related offenses, was carried out as part of preparations for their execution. One of the three prisoners is an Afghan national. Further details, including the identities of these inmates, are being investigated by HRANA.

According to data gathered by the Department of Statistics and Publication of Human Rights Activists, Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj witnessed the highest number of executions in 2023, with Zahedan Prison following closely behind. For a comprehensive examination of the details and statistics surrounding the executions in Iran, refer to HRANA’s report.

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