HRANA – Thursday, March 24th, 50 inmates of Ghezelhesar Prison located in Karaj, were transferred to Evin prison.
According to information of HRANA reporters, News Organizations for Human Rights Activists in Iran, it is believed that these 50 prisoners are accused of initiating riot in Ghezelhesar prison.
Evidently Authorities have transferred these prisoners, who have been sentenced to death, To Evin Prison for their sentence to be executed.
It is necessary to mention that in clashes in Units 2 and 3 of Ghezelhesar in Karaj on March 24, 2011 which initiated by other inmates to protest against execution of ten prisoners, considering that prison guards used real bullets, 150 people suffered serious injuries of which at least 80 people died. Sources close to the government have announced the number of those killed and injured in this incident to be 47 people, which is considerably different from reports from independent sources.
According to the Head of Prison Organization, Ghezelhesar Prison with 20 thousand prisoners, of those 13 thousand convicted with drug related charges, is considered country’s biggest prison.
It is notable that after this massacre, Amnesty International published a statement stating necessity of an immediate investigation about those killed.