HRANA News Agency – Heiva Kiaei and Mehdi Salahi, two telegram activists, were arrested by security forces in Mahabad and were taken to an unknown location. Their “Telegram” channel had published issues relevant to workers and child labor.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Heiva Kiaei and Mehdi Salahi, two telegram activists, were arrested by security forces in Mahabad and were taken to an unknown location, on April 2, 2017.
A source close to the families of detainees, in a conversation with HRANA, by confirming the report, added: “Since the arrest, they have had only a very short contact and said that they were in detention, but they said nothing about the name and location of the detention, or the reason of their arrest. So far, the families have had no news about their whereabouts and their condition.”
This informed source, regarding Mr. Kiaei and Salahi’s activities, continued: “They did not do any illegal activities, and the only thing that they have done is publishing some issues in their “Telegram” channel, called “Silent Scream”, about labor and child labor issues”.