HRANA News Agency – The four juveniles, who were sentenced to death, in Sanandaj prison, have been identified.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), all these prisoners have been accused of a first-degree murder and the identity and their age at the time of the murder or arrest have been reported as following:
1. Youssef Mohammadi, year of birth: 1995, age at the time of arrest: 14 years, on death row in Sanandaj prison.
2. Heyman Urami Nrjad, year of birth: 1997, age at the time of arrest: 17 years, and 9 months, on death row in Sanandaj prison.
3. Siavash Mahmoudi, year of birth 1995, age at the time of arrest: 17 years, on death row in Sanandaj prison, he claims that he committed murder to defend himself against the assault and rape.
4. Amaanj Hosseini (Oveisi), age at the time of arrest: 17 years, on death row in Sanandaj prison.
Kumars Nasiri is another prisoner in Sanandaj prison, who was arrested on charge of murder as a juvenile. He is accused that in 2014 and in a collective dispute in Shokofeh Park, in Saghez, killed a man named Ayub Abdi, his case is now under investigation and no decision has been issued yet.
It should be noted that according to human rights treaties, perpetrators under the age of 18 years, are children. The punishment of children in Iran, including the death penalty for their involvement in various cases including murder, drug trafficking etc always has been one of the main and important challenges of human rights violations in Iran.