HRANA News Agency – Four Sunni civilians from Bukan who had been arrested on October 6 and were held in a poor condition in the Revolutionary Guards’ Intelligence Detention in Urmia were transferred to the central prison of this city after 2 months. Reports indicate the mistreatment, beatings and even torture of detainees in the detention center of the Revolutionary Guards.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), security forces in a coordinated assault on the houses of a large number of citizens of Bukan and its suburbs, attempted to arrest many of the citizens on October 6. It has been reported that, those arrested were dozens of people, including “youth, some of Mosque Imams and scholars”.
Most detainees were released on the bail, but four of the Sunni citizens of Boukan named Abdulghafor Asvar, Yaghoob Nooreh, Kamal Ali Aghdam and Hajhar Faroughi were held in the detention center of the Revolutionary Guards in Urmia, on the Urmia-Tabriz road. Finally, these citizens were transferred to Urmia Central Prison after 2 months.
A close source to the family of these citizens told HRANA’s reporter: “The family of Abdulghafor Asvar had gone to meet him, about two weeks ago. They were not allowed to talk much. In addition, the meeting was conducted in the presence of two officers. He was very weak and the effects of physical and psychological tortures were visible.”
The source continued: “Officials told the families that they would be sent to court, soon”.
It should be noted that there is no information regarding the charges against these Sunni citizens.