HRANA News Agency – Despite the physical weakness and severe condition of six Sunni prisoners of conscientious of Ghezelhesar prison on the 33rd day of their hunger strike, there is no sign of consideration from prison authorities.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the condition of six Sunni prisoners of conscientious has reached a critical point but yet, they have not received any response from authorities.
An informed source told to HRANA’s reporter: “Sunni prisoners have lost their ability to move and any time there might be a bad news from prison.”
Last Thursday, when prisoners wanted to use prison telephones which is located in an open area, authorities kept these prisoners for three hours on their return under snowfall.
Hamed Ahmadi, Kamal Moulayi, Jamshid Dehghani, Jahangir Dehghani, Sedigh Mohammadi and Seyed Hadi Hosseini are in hunger strike, since Monday, November 4, 2013, in response to separation of criminal law negligence and their death sentences.