6 Sunni prisoners on day 46th of hunger strike

HRANA News Agency – The six Sunni prisoners of Ghezelhesar prison are on their 46th day of hunger strike however there is no sign of any consideration from authorities.


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), these six Sunni prisoners of conscientious, who are being kept in Ghezelhesar prison, are on their 46th day of hunger strike and have serious health issues nonetheless of sign of any consideration from authorities, during past 12 days.


An informed source told to HRANA’s reporter: “Their families intend to travel to Tehran, in order to make a sit-in protest in front of supreme leader’s residency (Bayt), until they could get answer about theirs situation.”


He also added, “Mr. Nasripoor, the intelligence service agent and the officer in charge for this case has said to these prisoners that the case is closed and despite the fact that court dropped the assassination charge they are going to be executed soon, while these prisoners have never done any violent action.”


Hamed Ahmadi, Kamal Moulayi, Jamshid Dehghani, Jahangir Dehghani, Seddigh Mohamadi and Seyed Hadi Hosseini are in hunger strike from Monday, November 4, in response to deliberate violence to Separation of the crime act and the their death sentences.

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