The 61st Number of Peace Line Has Been Published

HRANA News Agency – The sixty-first issue of the “Peace Line Monthly” was published.

In this issue and under the title of “safe houses” the problem of domestic violence against women has been discussed.

Accordingly, an interview took place with Dr. Nahid Tavassoly, sociologist, researcher and women’s rights activists. We asked her regarding the criminalization of domestic violence and the duty of the legislative body to enact fair laws.

Also, in other discussions, Hossein Reisi, lawyer and professor of human rights law at the University of Ottawa, was asked in conjunction with a variety of necessary supports and protections for victims of domestic violence and the importance of safe houses.

Susan Mohammad Khani Ghiasvand gives a detailed report analyzing the causes of self-immolations of Kurdistan’s women. In this regard opinions of Fatemeh Karimi, writer and researcher in sociology and women, have been asked, too.

Besides, under the pretext of the death of a two-year-old boy in Yazd after circumcised surgery in the hospital, we have had a conversation with Mahmoud Amiri-Moghaddam, to consider the circumcision of boys.

In this issue there are articles and reports of Reza Alijani, Saghi Laghaei, Naimeh Dostdar, Reza Najafi, Reza Shahmoradi, Mohammad Mohebi and a number of other human rights defenders.

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