HRANA News Agency – Ilqar Moazzen Zade and his brother Ehsan Moazzen Zade have been arrested in Meshkin Shahr.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ilqar Moazzen Zade, the Azerbaijani poet and author has been arrested by the intelligence agents at his home in Meshkin Shahr on Wednesday 8th May.
His brother, Ehsan Moazzen Zade has been arrested too while trying to prevent the illegal entry of the agents to their home.
The Moazzen Zade brothers are believed to be transferred to the intelligence of Ardebil but there is no report about the reason of this arrest.
Ilqar Moazzen Zade had been arrested once on June 15, 2009 because of his cultural activities.
A poet and his brother are arrested in Meshkin Shahr

RT @sara_HR4All: RT @AmisIran
A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection
RT @AmisIran
A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahre #Iran #IranElection
It’s alright everyone I’m fine! 😛
A poet and his brother arrested in Meshkin Shahr #HumanRights #CulturalRights #Iran
A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection via @Amisiran
A poet and his brother are arrested in Meshkin Shahr #iran #humanrights v @vallie @AmisIran
RT @vallie: A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection via @Amisiran
RT @vallie: A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection via @Amisiran
RT @Sonja_Jo: A poet and his brother arrested in Meshkin Shahr #HumanRights #CulturalRights #Iran
A poet and his brother are arrested in Meshkin Shahr #Iran
@AmisIran A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection
RT @AmisIran: A Poet And His Brother Arrested In Meshkin Shahr |HRANA| #Iran #IranElection
A poet and his brother are arrested in Meshkin Shahr #Iran
Hrana 10th May, 2013
Ilqar Moazzen Zade and his…