HRANA News Agency – All of the recent arrestees of Andimeshk city were transferred to the security ward of Karoon prison in Ahvaz.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), all of the arrestees of Andimeshk city, including Shapoor Rashnou, Ali Mohammad Jahangiri, Ezzatollah Jafari and Abdulreza Shakeri, who were detained in Andimeshk detention centre were transferred to the security ward of Karoon prison in Ahvaz.
Previously it was reported that Ali Nejati, the labour and syndicat activist of Haft-Tappeh, another arrestee in Andimeshk was transferred to Karoon prison.
The security forces rushed into the houses of civil and labour activist of Andimeshk on September 16, and arrested Shapoor Rashnou, Ali Mohammad Jahangiri, Ami Rahimkhani and his mother, Ali Nejati, another Haft-Tappeh syndicate activist. Sometime later, Ezzatollah Jafari, other labour activist who is close to national-religion party and was not available at house on the other day, was arrested as well.
Also, Abdulreza Shakeri, another habitant of Andimeshk was summoned to the security officials and joined the arrestees.
This violate attack by the security forces to Shapoor Rashnou’s house, has caused the abortion of the child of this civil right activist.
Amir Rahimkhani and his mother were released few days later.
Need to be mentioned these people were arrested by the intelligence forces of IRGC.