HRANA News Agency – Female prisoners in the women’s ward of Evin prison, held a ceremony on the occasion of “December 10, Human Rights Day”.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRNA), during the meeting, in order Atena Daemi, Maryam Naghash Zargaran, Mahvash Shahriari, Fahimeh Erafi, Setodeh Fazel, Maryam Akbari Monfared, Fatemeh Mosana, Golrokh Irai, Fariba Kamal Abadi, Mahin Izadi, Reyhaneh Tabatabaie, Ameneh Jaberi and Narges Mohammadi spoke and discussed the issues of human rights.
At first Atena Daemi spoke about the situation of human rights in Iran with an overview of the history of human rights. Ms. Daemi stressed that the human rights are not abstract words in politics and political conflicts, but also are concrete discussions and related to the recent human beings in today’s society, and added: “Unfortunately, there are human rights violations in our society which have affected various aspects of people’s lives. But we must recognize that we must take steps to promote human rights in our community. We must know our rights and protest against the violation of our rights.”
Maryam Naghash Zargaran discussed the human rights and its relation to women’s rights by referring to the pervasive and transnational human rights at communities. In the imprisoned Christian convert’s opinion, Islamic Republic of Iran’s laws about women are gross human rights violations, because they relegate the women’s status than men’s status and even inhibit the development and promotion of women as human beings. She only considers the growth of women in all political, social, economic and cultural spheres as the only way to end the situation.
Mahvash Shahriari Sabet emphasized that the declaration of human rights is universal and international and announced that human rights need to be moved in the communities. Mrs. Shahriari, whose poetry books have been published in different languages around the world, told: “For example, the role of Latin American writers in the promotion of human rights concepts, are very important which show the concepts indirectly to readers and audiences from different cultures. These efforts have also become prevalent in writers of our society.”
Fahimeh Erafi referred to the worrying situation of, Professor Mohammad Ali Taheri and his situation, and told: “The professor is held in ward 2-A since 5 years and 9 months ago and has gone on long hunger strike and is in critical situation and we as his students believe that his rights and the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran are being violated in this case. It is expected that they treat him according to the law. We, 5 coaches of Halghe Erfan have written a letter to his interrogator and expressed our concern.”
Rayhaneh Tabatabaie referred to the house arrest of Mr. Karroubi, Mr. Mousavi and Mrs. Rahnavard and announced that this assert is illegal and a violation of human rights. She said: “They are even denied to access livable terms as imprisoned and sentenced persons. They have not been tried and their situations are unknown and even no legal and convincing reason was given to the nation, while protests against their condition continues.”
Setodeh Fazel, 65, who was a teacher at schools in Tehran for 30 years, considers the indifference of the authorities to her status as the mother of two children who tried to see her children and never had done political or social activities, as unfair and announced, “I wish, they would know that I am a mother and I miss my young children whom I have not seen for years. Is this not a violation of human rights?”
Mahin Izadi, “the Kurdish girl” also referred to the situation in Kurdistan and said that the situation of women in this part of the country is very poor and disturbing.
Fariba Kamal Abadi emphasized the ethical aspect in ensuring human rights, and told: “A lot of efforts have been done in the legal field for the formulation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but the point is how it should be done?”
According to the opinion of the Baha’i prisoner and member of the Yaran, adherence to moral is the guarantee for the realization and promotion of human rights in the world.
Maryam Akbari Monfared, referred the experience of “Dr. Kazem Rajavi”, and announced: “He is the first one who discussed and established human rights in Iran and by his activities Masoud Rajavi was saved from the death sentence.”
Golrokh Irai referred to her husband Arash Sadeghi, who was on hunger strike, and told: “The realization of human rights, is raising awareness among the people and it is important that human rights should belong to all and not just us.”
Fatemeh Mosana pointed out that when she was 13 years old, she had been arrested with her mother, who had never done any political activities and all these were because of her brothers’ activities, she pointed to her breach of human rights.
At the end, Narges Mohammadi as the moderator congratulated the International Human Rights Day and referred of victims of human rights violations, the house arrest of Mehdi Karroubi, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard, the imprisonment of Mohammad Ali Taheri as well as prisoners on hunger strike and told: “repressing the civil society, is a serious and purposeful violation of human rights, because it destroys its structure and should be the focus of attention for human rights activists and intellectuals.”
The meeting ended by singing “Yar Dabestani Man” song.