HRANA News Agency – Mohammad Saber Malek Raisi, Baloch political prisoner who is serving his 15 years in prison sentence in exile in Ardabil prison, with the promises of authorities after 20 days of hunger strike ended his protest. Foad Yousefi in Rajai Shahr prison also ended his strike on its 23rd day by the request of Sunni scholars and activists.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), on January 19, 2017, Mohammad Saber Malek Raisi, Baloch political prisoner in Ardabil prison ended his hunger strike after 22 days by the promises of the authorities.
A source close to the prisoner told HRANA’s reporter: “Saber ended his hunger strike but said if the authorities would not fulfill their promises, he would start the strike again.”
Mohammad Saber Malek Raisi is spending the 8th year in exile in Ardebil prison. At the age of 17, he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in exile.
At the same time, Mr. Yousefi, Sunni prisoner of Rajai Shahr prison ended his hunger strike on the twenty-third day by the request of Kak Hasan Amini, religious judge of Kurdistan and a group of civil activists.
Mr. Yousefi had gone on hunger strike since December 26, 2016.
Earlier, a source close to Mr. Yousefi had told that the prisoner was protesting against the denial of medical furlough, and told HRANA’s reporter, “Fouad severely suffered from mental illnesses and has repeatedly attempted self-immolation. But his medical furlough has been refused.”