Four Workers Dead, Four Others Injured Due to Unsafe Workplace Conditions

Four Workers Died, Four other Injured Due to Unsafe Workplace Conditions

Four workplace accidents in recent days killed four workers and injured four others.

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, quoting IRNA, Artin Kamali, the head of Forensic Medicine of Hamadan Province, announced that a fire broke out in a workshop located in Bahar County. The fire killed a 36 year old worker.

“Investigation shows that defects in a heater in the workshop caused the fire,” he added.

According to ROKNA, a worker in Fardis City, Alborz Province, died after falling for a high height. “110 Police Emergency Center was called about the fall of a worker from the fourth floor of a building under construction in Fardis. Immediately, 11 central police officers were dispatched to the spot,” the police commander in Fardis County commented.

“The worker lost his life right after the fall,” he added.

In another workplace accident, one worker died and two others were severely injured in a turning workshop located in Gorgan City after an oxygen cylinder exploded.

Reportedly, when one of the workers was unloading the cylinders from a truck, one cylinder fell to the ground and blasted.

According to TABNAK News Agency, on December 28, in Gachsaran City, a contractor working on the city sewer network died due to the collapse of channel walls. Two other workers were also injured. According to the experts’ report, the ground became frail due to recent rainfalls, leading to the fall of the channel walls.

Iran ranks 102nd in workplace safety out of 189 countries.

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