Hussein Ronaghi Maleki Released from Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – Hussein Ronaghi Maleki, human rights activist and blogger was released from Evin prison on May 4, 2016.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Hussein Ronaghi Maleki, who suffers from different diseases was released from Evin prison.
Hussein Ronaghi wrote in his Facebook profile: “Today, I was released on the 30-day furlough by the orders and agreement of the prosecutor which postponed the sentence for a month due to the intolerance of punishment. This was achieved after forty-one days of hunger strike and hardship which my parents suffered and mental stress of my family and friends. I hope that this problem will be solve forever by the help of authorities.”
It should be noted that Ahmed Ronaghi Maleki was also on hunger strike for getting his son’s rights and had announced that he would be on strike till Hussein’s freedom.
Hussein Ronaghi Maleki, human rights activist and blogger, was arrested on December 13, 2009.
Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison on October 5, 2010 after 10 months of detention in ward 2-A of Evin prison. The charges against him in the court were, “membership in the Iran proxy network, insulting the leader and insulting the president.”
The verdict was upheld by Branch 54 of the Appeals Court and Hossein Ronaghi was then transferred to Ward 350 of Evin prison.
The prisoner was held in ward 7 of Evin prison before being released.

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