HRANA News Agency – On Wednesday April 17, 2013 two prisoner hanged on charge of raping in Mashhad.
According to a report of IRIB news, general and revolutionary prosecutor of Mashhad said “The first executed guy was a 21 years old worker of a bakery who raped a 13 years old worker of the same bakery on August 23, 2011.”
“With forming a complaint by the younger worker the accused arrested the day after and was trialed in branch 5 of provincial criminal court of Khorasan Razavi and due to the evidences in the dossier and confession of the accused, the experienced judges of provincial criminal court sentenced him to death”, Mr. Sadeghi added.
General prosecutor of Mashhad said “By appealing the issued verdict by the lawyer, the dossier was sent to supreme court to reconsider the verdict but the judges of supreme court confirmed the death verdict.”
According to him the sentenced to death hanged on Wednesday after preparations for verdict enforcement got ready.
“Another person who was hanged Wednesday morning was a 41 years old man who was arrested on March 9, 2010 due to a complaint from one of his family members”, Mr. Sadeghi added.
He said that “This man was trialed in branch 5 of provincial criminal court of Khorasan Razavi on charge of rape and sentenced to death. The verdict enforced on Wednesday morning in Mashhad central prison.”