Mahdi Kokhian Released on the Bail

HRANA News Agency – Mahdi Kokhian, civil activist from Malekan, was released from Maragheh prison on the bail.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Mahdi Kokhian, civil activist from Malekan, was released temporarily from Maragheh prison on a bail of 3 billion IRR, until his trial.
It should be noted that Mahdi Kokhian and Karim Chaichian were arrested at their houses by the security forces in Malekan, on December 19, 2016. The officers searched the house and seized personal electronic and communication belongings of these two civilians.
Mahdi Kokhian and Karim Chaichian had gone on hunger strike by sewing their lips, since their transfer from Malekan police station to Maragheh prison (on December 21, 2016) and they were sent to the quarantine ward in this prison.
Karim Chaichian was released from Maragheh prison on December 25, 2016, but Mr. Kokhian was transferred to the solitary confinement, in the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence detention, while he was still on hunger strike.
It had been reported previously that Mahdi Kokhian had been beaten in detention centre of the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence office in Tabriz.
This civil activist had sewed his lips for 3 days after being transferred to this detention centre. But military interrogators opened his lips by force and beat him but he had continued his hunger strike.
Finally, Mahdi Kokhian was transferred from detention centre of the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence office in Tabriz to Maragheh prison, on Sunday, January 22, 2017. It was while; Mr. Kokhian had ended his hunger strike in this detention centre, on an unknown date.
Mr. Kokhian had sewed his lips to go on hunger strike again, in protest against the breach of promises by the authorities and against the increase the amount of bail from 1 billion to 3 billion IRR, in Maragheh prison. This political prisoner, as a symbolic action “to avoid listening to authorities’ insults” had “sewed his ears” as well.
He finally, ended his second protesting hunger strike in Maragheh prison, after one week, on February 6, 2017.

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