HRANA News Agency – Students of Mohammad Ali Taheri continued to visit Grand Ayatollahs, this time in Mashhad and asked them to intervene in his case.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), a group of students and followers of Mohammad Ali Taheri have visited a number of Grand Ayatollahs’ offices.
These visits are carried out while rumors about reprocessing of Mohammad Ali Taheri’s case are spread.
Visitors submitted a report about the unlawful actions of security forces and judicial authorities during different stages of the case process. Also for clearing the ambiguities they gave the Ayatollahs some of Mr. Taheri’s books and articles.
Imam Reza Madrasa, central Islamic thought of Ayatollah Fazel Lankari, offices of Ayatollah Syed Ali Hossaini Sistani, and Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani are some of the offices that have been visited by Mohammad Ali Taheri’s students and followers in Mashhad.
They had also visited the offices of Grand Ayatollahs in Qom last week.
Mohammad Ali Taheri’s Followers Visited Grand Ayatollahs in Mashhad