Parivash Moslemi, a political defendant imprisoned in Evin Prison, has been sentenced to three years and eight months in prison by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.
Based on a ruling recently issued by the Tehran Revolutionary Court and delivered to Ms. Moslemi in prison two days ago, she has been sentenced to two years in prison for the charge of “assembly and collusion,” one year for “insulting the Supreme Leader,” and eight months for “propaganda against the regime.”
A source close to the family of this political defendant confirmed the news to HRANA, stating: “Moslemi did not attend any of the sessions related to her charges, including interrogations and court hearings. She had previously declared in writing and verbally that she did not recognize these proceedings and would not participate.”
Moslemi was arrested on July 7 after reporting to the Evin Prosecutor’s Office and was subsequently transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison.
Ms. Moslemi, aged around 46, was arrested by security forces in the city of Nur in March-April this year. She was released three days later from one of the city’s security detention facilities.
Parivash Moslemi was previously detained by security forces in September 2023, coinciding with the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death. She was finally released a month later after posting bail from Qarchak Prison located in Varamin.