HRANA News Agency – Amir Chamani, student of master degree in sociology faculty of
Tabriz private university, has been detained by the security forces.
According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amir Chamani, student activist, at 04:00 PM of Sunday 13th of January has been arrested by the security forces at his home.
He was going through Interrogation sessions in intelligence office of Tabriz and then by giving a bail of 50 million tomans freed; In July 5th of 2012 accused to “Insulting to the leader and founder of Islamic republic” by judge Hamlbar in Branch 1 of Tabriz court and sentenced to 6 month in prison, At the same time has been accused to “Propaganda against the regime” and sentenced to 100 days imprisonment.
In addition, on Sunday morning he got a verdict of 40 lashes in accusation of “Insulting to president”.
Likely he has been arrested because of enforcement of his imprisonment and been transferred to Tabriz prison, but there is no news of his contact with his family.
Translated by: Ramyar Hassani