Number of Executed Prisoners in Ghezelhesar Prison Rose to 12

HRANA News Agency – With authentication of the identity of another inmate who was executed at Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj, the number of victims rose to 12. Lack of communication with other prisoners and families of prisoners and holding him in the ward of prisoners with mental problems, is one of the reasons for the delay in identifying the prisoner who was executed.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), with authentication of the identity of a prisoner who was executed, the number of executed prisoners on Wednesday, October 19 in Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj rose to 12 prisoners. This is while the judiciary and parliament members have continuously talked about their plans for reduction of execution for prisoners with drug related charges. Afshin Farajzadeh is the identity of the prisoner, which was authenticated by HRANA. Continue reading “Number of Executed Prisoners in Ghezelhesar Prison Rose to 12”