On January 8, civil activist Yashar Tabrizi was arrested by security police agents and transferred to Robat-Karim Detention Center. Earlier on that day, he had published a post on social media from his visit to the Ukraine plane crash site in memorial of the victims.
According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, Tabrizi has faced other arrests by security forces. On April 7, 2021, he was arrested for one day in Isfahan along with some victims’ families of the crashed Ukrainian plane as well as other civil activists.
An informed source told HRANA that, “at 7 A.M., Mr Tabrizi called his family and told them that he was detained in the detention centre in Robat-Karim. He was arrested by the order of the prosecutor and would be released after a few hours. At 11 a.m., his wife went to Robat-Karim Detention Center and they confirmed that he was there”.
On 8 January 2020, Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down by IRGC’s missile shortly after takeoff from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport. After a few days of covering up the cause of this incident, the regime admitted that the plane was hit by a missile shot from an anti-missile defense base. Since then, the victims’ families have been demanding the trial of perpetrators of this incident.