Contradictory Statements by the Authorities about Ali Poladi’s Death

HRANA News Agency – Ali Poladi died after being arrested at the detention center of police office in Chaloos. His family confirmed the news and told HRANA’s reporter: “On the first day of the incident the prisoner was healthy when was detained, however, in the following days, different authorities had made the contradictory statements including the prisoner’s background of the accident in the past, epilepsy and heart failure as the reason of his death.” Informed sources reported that Mr. Poladi’s family is under pressure to not to have contact with the media and human rights organizations and Ali Poladi’s brother was summoned to intelligence ministry.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Chaloos police officers arrested Ali Poladi, 26-year-old resident of Goiter Village located in Marzan Abad in Chaloos, on January 12, 2018. Only one day later, his family was informed that he had died at the detention center and that it was necessary for the family to begin legal proceedings for delivery of the body. Continue reading “Contradictory Statements by the Authorities about Ali Poladi’s Death”

One Day after Being Arrested by the Police: Ali Poladi Died

HRANA News Agency – Ali Poladi from Chaloos, was arrested by security forces in this city and taken to the Detention Center of the Police intelligence office. The next morning his family was asked to attend the station to get Ali Poladi’s corpse. This caused conflicts between his relatives and one of Police intelligence officers. Law enforcement officials have not yet provided a clear explanation for his death.
According to the report of Human Rights Activist News Agency in Iran (HRANA), a person named “Ali Poladi” from the village of Gwiter of Marzan Abad was arrested on charge of “shooting” by police officers in the district of Chaloos on Monday, January 12. Continue reading “One Day after Being Arrested by the Police: Ali Poladi Died”