2 political prisoners in critical health condition

HRANA News Agency – Amanollah Mostaghim and Mohammad Banna Zadeh Amirkhizi are in bad health condition in Rajai Shahr prison of Karaj.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amanollah Mostaghim, the Baha’i citizen and a member of the Baha’i Academic Institution collaborators, is in bad health condition. Continue reading “2 political prisoners in critical health condition”

A Bahai prisoner was transferred to hospital

HRANA News Agency – Amanollah Mostaghim, the fellow member of Iranian Bahai institute of science, was transferred to a medical center outside the prison due to his heart problem.


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amanollah Mostaghim, who was returned to prison after a 7days medical furlough, due to authority’s refusal for extending his furlough, on Monday, February 17, following a cardiac problem in an emergency case transferred to Tehran Heart hospital. Continue reading “A Bahai prisoner was transferred to hospital”

A Bahai citizen returned to prison by the end of medical furlough

HRANA News Agency – Amanollah Mostaghim, the fellow member of Bahai institute of science, returned to Rajaei Shahr prison after his medical furlough was not extended.


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amanollah Mostaghim, returned to Rajaei Shahr prison on Monday, February 10 by the end of his medical furlough.


He had spent the last month in medical centers outside of prison and then was sent to a 7 days medical furlough. By finishing his 7 days, and authority’s refusal for extending the furlough, he returned to prison without any change in his condition.


This prisoner of conscientious has received the punishment intolerance bill from coroner but his temporary release requested was not granted.


An informed source said to HRANA’s reporter: “Amanollah Mostaghim is suffering from severe blood heart vessels cramp, and physicians said there is nothing that could be done, therefore to continue to keep him in prison is dangerous.”


This Bahaei citizen, from Shiraz, has been arrested for passing his 5 years in prison sentence.


As a reminder, the Bahai institute of science had been established in 1988 and few years after the events called cultural revolution that caused the expel of Bahai students and dissidences from universities. The objective of this institute was continuing the education of Bahai students.

Amanollah Mostaghim came for medical furlough

HRANA News Agency – Amanollah Mostaghim, a coordinator of Iranian Bahais scientific institute who is serving his imprisonment sentence in Rajai Shahr prison has come for a medical furlough.


According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amanollah Mostaghim has been allowed to have a medical furlough on Wednesday evening because of the problems he has in his heart.


This living in Shiraz Bahai civilian has been sentenced to 5 years in prison and is suffering from diabetes and heart disease. Because of this the doctors have been saying that being in the prison and under stress is dangerous for him.


Iranian Bahais scientific institute has been established in 1987 and some years after the cultural revolution, during which lots of Bahai and dissidents were fired from the universities. The aim of this institute has been to educate the Bahai students.

Amanollah Mostaghim was transferred to Rajaie Shahr Prison

HRANA News Agency – On Wednesday, May 29, 2013, Amanollah Mostaghim, a member of the Baha’is Science Institute of Iran, was transferred to Rajaie Shahr Prison in Karaj.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mostaghim reported to Evin prison on May 20, 2013 and was subsequently detained there.  He is now being held in Ward 4, Hall 12 of Rajaie Shahr Prison.  Continue reading “Amanollah Mostaghim was transferred to Rajaie Shahr Prison”

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Amanollah Mostaghim is arrested to serve his imprisonment

HRANA News Agency – Amanollah Mostaghim the engineer and one of the Baha’is scientific institute members and colleagues has arrested on Monday.


According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amanollah Mostaghim one of the Baha’is scientific institute colleagues, who was summoned by the security authorities to serve his five years imprisonment sentence, appeared in Evin prison and got arrested. Continue reading “Amanollah Mostaghim is arrested to serve his imprisonment”