Iran Protests: Student Amir Azizi Sentenced to Imprisonment and Flogging

The Tehran Court of Appeal upheld the initial verdict against Amir Azizi who was arrested at protests. Azizi, an architecture student at the University of Tehran, was initially sentenced to 11 years in prison and 74 lashes.

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, student Amir Azizi was sentenced to 11 years in prison and 74 lashes.

According to this verdict, Azizi was given five years for “acting against national security through inciting violence,” three years and 74 lashes for “disturbing public opinion on the Internet,” two years for “assembly and collusion to commit a crime,” and one year for “insulting the Supreme Leader of Iran.”

Based on Article 134 of the Islamic Penal Code, five years in prison for the first charge mentioned above will be enforceable to him.

On December 14, Azizi endured flogging in the Great Tehran Penitentiary.


Despite Authorities’ Denial, HRANA Confirms the Executions in Uremia Prison

HRANA News Agency – Although the families of 7 prisoners including Mohammad Abdollahi’s family had been summoned to Uremia Prison for the last visit and on August 9 the names of 5 executed prisoners were read for the families in front of the prison and at least 4 corpses were delivered to the families, the Head of Prisons Office in West Azerbaijan province denied the execution of 6 prisoners in Uremia prison. However he failed to specify if he denied the number of executed prisoners or the executions in general which has left Mohammad Abdollahi’s family in confusion.

According to the report of Human Rights Activist News Agency in Iran (HRANA), during the last hours of August 7, the families of 7 prisoners who had been taken to solitary confinements were summoned to Uremia Prison to visit their beloved ones for the last time before the execution. Continue reading “Despite Authorities’ Denial, HRANA Confirms the Executions in Uremia Prison”

A Woman among the Prisoners Scheduled to Be Executed Tomorrow in Uremia Prison

HRANA News Agency – The number of prisoners who are going to be executed in Uremia prison tomorrow has been reported to be 7 including an imprisoned woman from women’s ward of this prison. A couple have been both transferred to solitary confinements to be executed. Their 3-year-old who had been born in the prison was given to his father’s family outside the prison last night.

Mohammad Abdollahi, political prisoner in Uremia Prison and 6 other prisoners have been transferred to solitary confinements to be executed. Continue reading “A Woman among the Prisoners Scheduled to Be Executed Tomorrow in Uremia Prison”